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1. Introduction

The unofficial ex MS-DOS user and LINUX newbie FAQ.
Revision 1.01 by SNw^tKB and xopy.

1.1 Where to get this faq:

Primary site:

Alternate site:

1.2 Why on earth did we come up with the idea of making this faq?

This FAQ was made to help linux linux-newbies to faster start using the system instead of using alot of energy, trying to find info on how to do everything. SNw^tKB got the idea for this faq after using Linux for a while. He wanted to help beginners to start using the system right away, instead of doing all the mistakes he did. Since SNw^tKB was relatively new to Linux when starting making this faq, he teamed up with xopy, which had used Linux for a period of about 4 years. After alot of e-mails with corrections both ways, and slooowly increasing beta-version number, afew months later, the faq was bigger and more varied than either SNw^tKB or xopy thought it would be at first. :) Now you are looking at version 1.0 of the faq, and we hope it will continue to increase, and help those who are new to linux to faster learn the potential of this exelent OS. :)

If you see typing-errors or incorrect commands in this FAQ, or have sugestions for the next version, please contact the authors on the following adresses:

1.3 About authors

Real name: Andrej Bagon

Real name: Hah! You think I tell that to complete strangers??! What about checking out our homepages? =)

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