CDP player for audio CD

Okey I am not a good writer so make it short and usefull. This is a cd player for linux, and it was done just for learning some c code programming.. maybe some days may became more usefull.

To compile just "make" it :) and a cdp executable will be build.

I tried it on my IDE 6x and 8x Mitsumi CD rom and it works pretty well. Still depends what you mean for well :)

What does the program contain:

next, previous song, first, last song, pause, stop, eject, volume control...

the data displayed is song length, cd time remaining and elapsed.. I am working on the song remaining but we will see if that is posible cuz of the way i choose to play cds.. Guess i failed in this one :(

This program is free stuff. you can edit it and distribute it as you like, but be aware that the author does not take any responsability if yor cd burns or if your computer explodes :) This is just a product and as it works with hardware it can damade it .. so have in mind this.

I have to thank FungoStar who gave me the libvt100 code so I can move up and down with the cursor and make some fun stuff. Thanx FungoStar again :)

Get it cdp

For any info, patches and stuff conntact me